A downloadable game for Windows

A band of fearsome goblins seek to destroy everything in their path, including a certain magical forest. And they have moustaches!

You are the spirit of the forest, inhabiting a magical tree, and it is up to you to stop them, using the power of the elements. Use your tree to place crystals on the ground and transform them into various elementals, depending on the type of terrain they were placed upon. Then use these elementals to protect the forest from the goblins or change the terrain according to your needs.


Summon elementals, merge them and defeat enemies. Your goal is to protect the Elemental Tree from evil goblins who want to destroy your forest.
You can place crystals from the Elemental Tree and turn them into elementals, depending on the hex type they lie on and whether are charged.
Spawn treants from the Elemental tree to regenerate mana of your crystals.
Crystals regenerate mana if they are close to an Elemental Tree or a Treant.
When you have both Air and Water elementals close to each other, you can merge them, creating a powerful storm elemental, which can set forests on fire.

Mouse buttons:
Left-click - choose an unit and open its ability menu
Right-click  - cancel selection
Left-click (after choosing an unit) - choose the destination of ability or movement
Scroll button drag - camera rotation
Scroll Wheel - camera zoom

Escape - go to pause menu
W, S, A, D - camera movement
Tab - Show unit info overlay


"Goblin's Moustache"

Purban - Patryk Panas

cuadrakev - Kevin Cuadra

Ciachociech - Mateusz Chojnacki


ElementalForest_04_02_2021.zip 57 MB

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